
投7千億 總統:建設活絡南台 vs Lyon learns how to play second fiddle


1. 里昂認知巴黎獨大的情況無法避免,所以不和巴黎競爭相同的資源和建設,相反的;
2. 里昂瞭解大型公司與政治、中央政府有關的高階主管和部門無法離開在巴黎,所以遊說大型企業把與此無關的財務和人力資源部門搬到里昂來降低成本
3. 運用本地原有的產業優勢,吸引相關產業來設置高階研究機構;但文中也提到,所謂生物科技高階研究機構,無法改善當地就業狀況,因為這些研究機構只聘用少量高階人才





投7千億 總統:建設活絡南台

【中央社╱台南19日電】 2011.05.19 12:56 pm









【2011/05/19 中央社】


Lyon learns how to play second fiddle

By Laurence Knight
Business reporter, BBC News

Being a provincial town in a country dominated by one massive urban metropolis is not much fun.

The capital gets an unfair share of the attention - and of the investment money - while you are at constant risk of withering in its shadow.

France is a case in point.

Paris and its satellite towns have over 11 million people, while the next biggest city of Lyon can muster only 1.7 million.

And while Lyon's Rhone-Alpes region boasts an income per person of about 30,000 euros ($44,000, £27,000) - the highest outside Paris - the capital's region of Ile-de-France is still streets ahead at 47,000 euros.

What is a second city to do?

Out in the cold

The answer, it seems, is not to compete at all - at least not head-on - says Jacques de Chilly, director of the Lyon regional development agency, Aderly.

Set up in 1974, Mr de Chilly says the agency's original strategy was to convince firms to relocate their headquarters from Paris.

The city offered an obvious cost advantage - both in terms of square metrage and payroll - as well as a great quality of life, with less commuting and some of the best restaurants in France.

But it wasn't enough.

"Companies wanted to stay close to the ministries, the media and the big financial institutions," explains Mr de Chilly.

This was something Lyon had no hope of offering, leaving it out in the cold.

The plan was not a total flop.

Aderly coaxed firms into transferring some head office functions to Lyon - but only the more administrative, less politically sensitive ones, like finance and human resources.

A change of strategy was clearly needed.

"In the last five to seven years, we decided to focus on sectors in which we have critical mass," says Mr de Chilly.

These, he says, are "life science" - also known as bio-technology - and "clean tech" such as recycling and renewable energies.

Together these industries account for about 50% of investment into the region.

'Under one roof'

The reasons these sectors do well is down to the quirks of Lyon's long industrial history.

The city is one of only four places in the world where the most dangerous diseases can be studied According to a potted narrative often trotted out by its current mayor, Gerard Collomb, the story began in the 16th Century, when Lyon became pre-eminent in the Europe's nascent silk industry.

Having manufactured the cloth, the textile merchants also needed to dye it.

From this simple beginning, over the next three centuries, the Rhone valley became the heartland for the French chemicals industry - of which "clean tech" is a more recent offshoot.

With the advent of modern medicine in the nineteenth century, the industry expanded into pharmaceuticals - best exemplified by the enormous conglomerate, Rhone Poulenc, which was set up in 1928.

Next, the work of Louis Pasteur in developing the vaccine opened the way into virology.

One of Pasteur's students founded an institute in Lyon that germinated the city's modern-day life sciences industry.

The institute itself has since been subsumed within Sanofi Pasteur, the world's biggest vaccine manufacturer.

And the firm has thrived thanks to Lyon's specialisation in its industry, according to Sanofi Pasteur spokesman Alain Bernal.

For example, he says Lyon is one of only four cities in the world that hosts a P4 laboratory - the highest bio-hazard category - enabling research into the most dangerous diseases, such as ebola.

The town is also home to one of the world's top biotechnology schools, helping to bring together academics with researchers and industry people.

"You need a lot of complementary expertise under one roof," says Mr Bernal.

Lyon is dependent on the goodwill of the national government for the future ownership of its airport His firm funds a foundation at the university, offering students industry experience, while Sanofi Pasteur gets to cream off the best talent.

Lobbying Paris

Having found its niche, Lyon does not compete with Paris these days.

Rather, it competes with other biotech clusters worldwide such as Boston or Stockholm, and nearby European cities like Geneva and Milan, says Mr de Chilly.

Indeed, the city has learned to milk its relationship with Paris, by positioning itself as a French national champion.

Under the "Lyon Biopole" banner, the city's biotech cluster has attracted millions of euros in research funding from the French government.

The National Research Agency is due to announce a big strategic investment in the health industry in June, which Lyon's lobbyists hope will be their planned new research institute.

But the apparent success of the city's strategy belies some unsolved problems.

The town is still dependent on the goodwill of the national government in other ways, such as infrastructure - for example, the city's airport, which is set to be sold off by Paris.

High end jobs

Moreover, the town's chosen industrial sectors are not ones that lend themselves to mass job creation.

Greenfield investments typically created a small number of high skill jobs "The average new investment creates 20-40 jobs," says M. de Chilly. "But they are very intensive with respect to the strengths brought to the city."

All the same, the positions they create - research and development posts or high-end service jobs - are typically too specific and high-skilled for the bulk of local workers.

Unemployment is the region is 8.6% - admittedly below the national average - but high enough to be a policy concern.

Yet big semi-skilled job-creating investments - such as in manufacturing - are hard to come by, and not just in Lyon.

The last big job-creating investment by a foreign firm in France was by Toyota in 1998, says Mr de Chilly.

Since then, the car industry and other manufacturers seem more interested in lower-cost EU countries, such as Slovakia.

Mr de Chilly is hopeful this will change, and points to a logistics centre recently set up by the US pharmaceuticals group Baxter.

Labour costs are rising in Eastern Europe, he says, making France more attractive.

And with companies increasingly concerned about the environment - not to mention fuel costs - he claims they are keener to invest in production facilities close to the end consumer market.








英國《金融時報》專欄作家 西蒙‧庫柏


我這裏所說的是英國上過私立學校以及(或者)牛津劍橋、隨後進入體制內的那類人:資深政客、公務員、律師、高談闊論者,還有穿著考究的那種銀行家。那是托尼‧布雷爾(Tony Blair)、大衛‧卡梅倫(David Cameron)、克里斯多夫‧希欽斯(Christopher Hitchens)、安娜‧羅賓遜(Anne Robinson)和西蒙‧考威爾(Simon Cowell)所屬的階層,他們的英語說得比世界其他任何階層都漂亮。

就連進入英國體制內大門的「入門」考試,也主要考的是沒有知識就侃侃而談的能力。成績好是不夠的,你還需要在牛津劍橋面試這個很英國式的儀式上表現良好。這個儀式就像下面這樣。17歲時,你穿著新西裝,前往牛津或劍橋的某個學院參加面試,找到導師的房間。導師可能會請你喝杯你以前從沒見過的雪利酒,然後就開始談。導師們四仰八叉靠在沙發上,拖著長音問出各種讓他們無法入眠的問題。我認識一個申請人被問到的問題是:“你不覺得威尼斯的聖馬可廣場(Piazzetta San Marco)像巴克萊銀行(Barclays)的一家分行嗎?”如果答得漂亮,進入體制內的門票就會遞到你手中。





查理斯‧珀西‧斯諾(C. P. Snow)在他1959年題為《兩種文化》(Two Cultures)的講座中,驚詫於統治階層對基本科學知識的無知。例如,溫斯頓‧邱吉爾(Winston Churchill)依據首席科學顧問徹韋爾勳爵(Lord Cherwell)有缺陷的統計研究,批准了受到誤導的對德「區域轟炸」。當然,邱吉爾沒辦法核對那些數字,他的強項是辭令。他拿到的諾貝爾獎是文學獎,這決非偶然。英國二戰時的國王喬治六世(George VI)現在之所以為人熟知,主要是因為他為了能把話說好曾付出很大努力,電影《國王的演講》(The King's Speech)講的就是這個故事。

數字仍然是英國統治階層面臨的一個挑戰。他們把倫敦金融城當做神奇的賺錢機器,金融城的需求會得到最大程度的滿足,因為只有老天才知道那東西是怎麼運轉的。即使是英國財政大臣喬治‧奧斯本(George Osborne),除了在牛津學歷史時學到的那點皮毛外,也沒有受過什麼經濟學教育。英國公共辯論中的主角,很少是像沃倫‧巴菲特(Warren Buffett)、比爾‧蓋茨(Bill Gates)、馬克‧扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)或是中國工程師出身的領導人那樣懂數字的人。英國國內優秀的工程師和定量分析師都被關在發動機室裏,開火車的是那幫誇誇其談的傢伙。

歷史學家麗莎‧賈丁(Lisa Jardine)寫道,英國統治階層還在努力試著對核能或氣候變化的科學論據作出判斷。布雷爾曾暗示伊拉克的「大規模殺傷性武器」可以在45分鐘內打擊倫敦,當時英國體制內的人大都相信了他的話。受過教育的美國人經常讚賞布雷爾比美國總統小布希更善於闡述觀點。沒錯,布雷爾的確善於說話,那就是他的工作。如果知識上有欠缺,他在侃侃而談時會繞開。

布雷爾在運用語言方面只有一個缺點,他和柴契爾夫人(Margaret Thatcher)一樣,沒有幽默感。不過總體上,英國統治階層人士都是有趣的演講者。套用這個階層最喜愛的劇作家諾埃爾‧考沃德(Nol Coward)的話說:「我有生以來/最為擅長的就是/讓人愉悅。」

卡梅倫最近在愉悅別人的衝動驅使下,即興模仿一個老電視廣告,對一位元工黨女議員大喊「親愛的,冷靜。」除了西爾維奧‧貝盧斯科尼(Silvio Berlusconi),沒有哪位西方領導人會冒這種被批性別歧視的風險,因為他們不需要顯得有趣。


